1 tell (someone's) fortune
(to foretell what will happen to someone in the future: The gypsy told my fortune.) skæbne* * *(to foretell what will happen to someone in the future: The gypsy told my fortune.) skæbne -
2 tell (someone's) fortune
(to foretell what will happen to someone in the future: The gypsy told my fortune.) skæbne* * *(to foretell what will happen to someone in the future: The gypsy told my fortune.) skæbne -
3 tell (someone's) fortune
(to foretell what will happen to someone in the future: The gypsy told my fortune.) decir a alguien la buenaventura -
4 tell (someone's) fortune
(to foretell what will happen to someone in the future: The gypsy told my fortune.) decir a alguien la buenaventura -
5 tell (someone's) fortune
(to foretell what will happen to someone in the future: The gypsy told my fortune.) spá um örlög -
6 tell (someone's) fortune
(to foretell what will happen to someone in the future: The gypsy told my fortune.) spá um örlög -
7 tell (someone's) fortune
(to foretell what will happen to someone in the future: The gypsy told my fortune.) jósol -
8 tell (someone's) fortune
(to foretell what will happen to someone in the future: The gypsy told my fortune.) jósol -
9 tell (someone's) fortune
(to foretell what will happen to someone in the future: The gypsy told my fortune.) ler a sina -
10 tell (someone's) fortune
(to foretell what will happen to someone in the future: The gypsy told my fortune.) ler a sina -
11 tell (someone's) fortune
(to foretell what will happen to someone in the future: The gypsy told my fortune.) falına bakmak -
12 tell (someone's) fortune
(to foretell what will happen to someone in the future: The gypsy told my fortune.) falına bakmak -
13 tell (someone's) fortune
(to foretell what will happen to someone in the future: The gypsy told my fortune.) vedeževati -
14 tell (someone's) fortune
(to foretell what will happen to someone in the future: The gypsy told my fortune.) vedeževati -
15 tell (someone's) fortune
(to foretell what will happen to someone in the future: The gypsy told my fortune.) povata -
16 tell (someone's) fortune
(to foretell what will happen to someone in the future: The gypsy told my fortune.) povata -
17 tell (someone's) fortune
(to foretell what will happen to someone in the future: The gypsy told my fortune.) spå -
18 tell (someone's) fortune
(to foretell what will happen to someone in the future: The gypsy told my fortune.) spå -
19 tell (someone's) fortune
(to foretell what will happen to someone in the future: The gypsy told my fortune.) predire la sorte -
20 tell (someone's) fortune
(to foretell what will happen to someone in the future: The gypsy told my fortune.) predire la sorte
См. также в других словарях:
tell someone's fortune — tell someone’s fortune phrase to say what will happen to someone in the future using what are claimed to be magic powers Thesaurus: to use, or to be affected by magical or supernatural powershyponym Main entry: fortune * * * I make predictions… … Useful english dictionary
tell someone's fortune — ► tell someone s fortune make predictions about a person s future by palmistry or similar divining methods. Main Entry: ↑fortune … English terms dictionary
tell someone's fortune — make predictions about a person s future by palmistry or similar divining methods. → fortune … English new terms dictionary
tell someone's fortune — to say what will happen to someone in the future using what are claimed to be magic powers … English dictionary
fortune — ► NOUN 1) chance as an arbitrary force affecting human affairs. 2) luck, especially good luck. 3) (fortunes) the success or failure of a person or enterprise. 4) a large amount of money or assets. ● fortune favours the brave Cf. ↑ … English terms dictionary
fortune — [fôr′chən] n. [ME < OFr < L fortuna, chance, fate, fortune < fors, chance: see FORTUITOUS] 1. the entity or power believed by some to bring good or bad luck to people; luck; chance; fate: often personified 2. [also pl.] what happens or… … English World dictionary
fortune — for|tune [ fɔrtʃən ] noun ** 1. ) count usually singular a very large amount of money: Jordan had inherited a considerable personal fortune from his uncle. make/amass a fortune: He had made a fortune from mining. make your fortune (=become very… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
fortune */*/ — UK [ˈfɔː(r)tʃən] / US [ˈfɔrtʃ(ə)n] noun Word forms fortune : singular fortune plural fortunes 1) [countable, usually singular] a very large amount of money Jordan had inherited a considerable personal fortune from his uncle. make/amass a fortune … English dictionary
fortune — fortuneless, adj. /fawr cheuhn/, n., v., fortuned, fortuning. n. 1. position in life as determined by wealth: to make one s fortune. 2. wealth or riches: to lose a small fortune in bad investments. 3. great wealth; ample stock of money, property … Universalium
fortune — /ˈfɔtʃən / (say fawchuhn), /ˈfɔtʃun/ (say fawchoohn) noun 1. position in life as determined by wealth: to make one s fortune; a man of fortune. 2. amount or stock of wealth. 3. great wealth; ample stock of wealth. 4. chance; luck. 5. (often… …
fortune — for•tune [[t]ˈfɔr tʃən[/t]] n. v. tuned, tun•ing 1) position in life as determined by wealth: to make one s fortune[/ex] 2) wealth; riches: lost a fortune[/ex] 3) an ample stock of material possessions: inherited a fortune[/ex] 4) chance; luck:… … From formal English to slang